Beware Of Loveless Obedience To God

If the YouTube video above is not available, here are two other ways to view: CloudFront | SermonAudio NR1-37 & NR7-19 & RIG-05 & DWM-34 &  WFF-48 & WWJ-29 Short Clip The first thief that steals our personal Sabbath rest is loveless obedience to...

The Greatest Learned Habit Is Contentment–The Bible Talks About This Habit We Should Have 5 Times

If the YouTube video above is not available, here are two other ways to view: CloudFront | SermonAudio DWM-28   WFF-36   WFP-31 Short Clip The New Testament mentions contentment five times. Two different Greek words are used. Let’s look at them and learn a...

Take the Jesus Test–Jesus Gives a Way to See if You’re AS CONTENT as God Calls You To Be

If the YouTube video above is not available, here are two other ways to view: CloudFront | SermonAudio DWM-53 Short Clip In the last book of the Bible, we find that Jesus went on a journey visiting seven churches on that particular Sunday, recorded in chapters 2-3....