Joseph And The Magi

GCM-07 021215AM   The greatest invasion of all time was not Normandy at D-Day, nor the Gulf War or the coming Iraqi Invasion – it was the night God came to live on His Planet Earth. There are 1189 chapters in the Bible, 250 in the New Testament and 89 in the...

Will You Miss It Also?

GCM-08 981224LS There are 1189 chapters in the Bible, 250 in the New Testament and 89 in the Four Gospels. Of all those chapters in God’s Word there are four that detail the Birth of Jesus. There are four chapters of The New Testament that describe this night....

A Tale Of Two Kings

021222AM Christmas-Herod CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE The Characters of Christmas The Two Kings: Herod and Jesus Matthew 2.1-5, 16  GCM-09   The Two Kings Christ’s birth[1] was the day in history when the two most absolutely opposite kings confronted one another for...