Enjoying A Personal Sabbath Rest

If the YouTube video above is not available, here are two other ways to view: CloudFront | SermonAudio Enjoying a Personal Sabbath Rest DWM-33   NR1-36   NR7-18   RIG-04  WFF-47   WWJ-28 000827AM Just to feed three million people would take 1300 railroad box cars of...

How To End The Hurry In My Life

If the YouTube video above is not available, here are two other ways to view: CloudFront | SermonAudio How to End the Hurry NR1-37 NR7-19   RIG-05   DWM-34  WFF-48   WWJ-29 000903AM The Holy Spirit chose eight different Hebrew[1] words to paint the picture of the God...

Resting Our Weary Minds

If the YouTube video above is not available, here are two other ways to view: CloudFront | SermonAudio Resting Our Weary Minds DWM-35   NR1-40   NR7-22   RIG-08   WFF-51   WWJ-32 000917AM As you open to our exposition of Colossians 3:1-17 this morning, may I make one...