Why He Came – Jesus Is The Door To Life Abundant

If the YouTube video above is not available, here are two other ways to view: CloudFront | SermonAudio 160327AM Easter Why Did He Come.docx 2016MAR27 MISC-09 Why He Came: Jesus is the Door to Life Abundant Today  John 20:11-16; 10:9-10 Open with me to the Garden Tomb,...

What He Did – Christ Died For Our Sins

If the YouTube video above is not available, here are two other ways to view: CloudFront | SermonAudio 160325GF What He Did.docx 2016MAR25 MISC-08 What He Did: Christ Died For Our Sins 1 Cor. 15:1-4   Tonight we are in the midst of our journey of remembrance through...