Jesus Said It Is Very Dangerous to Leave God Out of Your Retirement & Savings Plans

If the YouTube video above is not available, here are two other ways to view: CloudFront | SermonAudio DWM-27    WFF-35   WFP-30 Short Clip The point is, God is not just the owner of the universe in general, but the owner of me in particular. In fact, I am twice...

God Offers Spiritual Healthcare in the Affluenza Epidemic–His Cure For The Curse of Affluenza

If the YouTube video above is not available, here are two other ways to view: CloudFront | SermonAudio DWM-27    WFF-35   WFP-30 Short Clip The Allure of wealth has never been easy to resist. Once a wealthy Christian plantation owner invited John Wesley to his home....

God Designed Marriage to be Amazing–Pray For Our Children’s Marriages To Be God Ruled & Pure

If the YouTube video above is not available, here are two other ways to view: CloudFront | SermonAudio DWM-26   WFF-33   WFP-28 Short Clip So, how do we pray for our children if we are parents? And how do we direct our lives if we are young people? And how do we live...