Impossible Yet Simple

ZNA-294 920329AM Mark 10.13-31 JESUS TEACHES LESSONS ON SAVING FAITH MARK 10:13-31 As we come to Mark 10, Jesus Christ is standing under the cruel shadow of the cross. Ch. 11 triumphal entry Ch. 12 final parables Ch. 13 Olivet Ch. 14 Judas – Gethsemane Ch. 15...

David – A Man After God’s Heart

If the YouTube video above is not available, here are two other ways to view: CloudFront | SermonAudio ZNA-292 WFL-39 920408WE DAVID “LIVING ABOVE THE GLOOM” 12/88 sinkholes in Florida … in our lives sink hole “sometimes depression, that cunning serpent of...

Countdown To The Cross

ZNA-291 920412AM Mark 11.1-10 COUNTDOWN TO THE CROSS MARK 11:1-10 Tensions were the highest anyone had ever known. People everywhere were talking about Lazarus who was dead and now he is alive, Bartimaus who had been a blind fixture by the roadside as predictably as...

A Symphony Of Hope

ZNA-290 920419AM SYMPHONY OF HOPE MARK 16 Saturday was horrible/after a sleepless Thursday night of groping after the arrest of Christ / a horrifying vigil through Friday’s deathly agony… / Saturday lasted forever / doubt, fear, anger, sorrow made one heavy...

Maundy Thursday-the Sacrifice Of Love

ZNA-289 920416TH MARK 14:1-11 THE SACRIFICE OF LOVE: MARY In April of 1992 Chicago was flooded. Two hundred fifty million gallons of water poured into a 60 mile maze of tunnels under central Chicago that week. The result? Nearly a billion dollars lost in goods,...