Introduction To I Thes.

ZNA-452 890108AM INTRODUCTION TO FIRST THESSALONIANS Welcome again to our study of the epistle of first Thessalonians. We noted as we began our study last Sunday evening 3 things: 1. FIRST, it is EARLY – probably the third of 27 NT books. After First James [45]...

The Church – A Shared Life

If the YouTube video above is not available, here are two other ways to view: CloudFront | SermonAudio ZNA-451 890108PM THE CHURCH – A SHARED LIFE MATTHEW 16:18 The church is literally the ekklesia, “called out ones”. Our study is a biblical portrait of who and what...

The Church- A Shared Life

ZNA-448 890122AM “GRACE AND PEACE” I THESSALONIANS 1:1 It is amazing to watch the transfer of power of the greatest political force on earth this week. But 20 centuries ago an even greater power transformed lives. What a thrill to begin this morning...