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One day each of us get to stand in front of Jesus who loved us, died for us, bought us, and asked us to live as His servants the rest of our lives. He has already told us what He wants to say to each of us: “Well done, good and faithful servants” (Matthew 25).
He has already told us that everything in life we do, say, or think is either good or worthless (II Corinthians 5), and that the good He rewards and the worthless He burns (I Corinthians 3). So, how do we stay on course with living the good that pleases Him, the good that He rewards, and that lasts forever?
That brings us to the end of our study of the Titus 2 passage. God has written out the actual way for us to APPLY what He desires in our lives. His desires are an APP for Pleasing Him. This APP, when downloaded into our hearts from the APP Store of His Word, comes with all the grace needed to make it operate in any place and under any conditions.
God’s Application for: Everyone, Everywhere, and Anytime = The APP of Grace-prompted Titus 2 living has operated for 2,000 years in every geographic area, and among every type of people.
It has been tested and found to work in the highly civilized, and brutally paganism of the Roman Empire. From this place and culture God called out a church filled with individuals that responded to God’s Word and passed the truth onward in such a way that it has reached to us.
The desires God has for men and women of grace worked in the Dark Ages in Europe, during the Colonial Times in America, across the jungles of Africa when pygmies and cannibals were bought by Christ’s blood out of the darkness, and in the Modern World of today.
The Gospel of God’s grace: that saves us, cleanses us, and changes us from the inside out into a life with the power to daily choose ways that please God works anytime, anywhere, in anyone who desires to conform their life to God’s desires spelled out in His Plan, the Bible.
I wonder, is there anything more vital in your life today than to know what God desires from you today, and surrendering to do His will?
I can’t think of any higher calling, or any greater opportunity.
God’s Plan is For EVERY Believer
Today we begin the conclusion of a year-long study of Titus 2 by summarizing all we have seen into two parts.
• First, God’s 12-Part Plan for growing 21st Women of Grace.
• Second, God’s 12-Part Plan for growing 21st Century Men of Grace.
Listen to God through His Word, open your heart to His truths so simply spoken that Jews who trusted Christ, alongside Roman slaves who came to faith, and newly saved pagans from every strata of Roman culture all heard, understood, and applied God’s desires to their world: and LIVED for Him!
That is why we are here today. They understood these truths in God’s Word 20 centuries ago, and lived them, shared them, and raised up the next generations right down to each of us today.
The God of the Universe has told us that His focus is upon Christ’s Church at this time in Redemptive History. God is calling out for Himself a people, chosen, and precious; and they are being built into His Church.
The way to be useful to God, and to gain eternal rewards that please Him is to follow His pathway that has been expressed from each leader and teacher given in God’s Word to His church. Listen to these words from them I have put into 21st Century terms:
• Paul said: I beg you don’t waste your life, remember the only way to keep everything from being wasted is to present your life one-day-at-a-time as a gift to God (that’s Romans 12).
• Jesus said: as long as you live, where ever you go, tell believers what I left written down as my desire for the way they live (that’s Matthew 28); and remind them that the way you show that you love me is when you keep all My commandments I have left for you to do in My Word (that’s John 14).
• Peter said: since everything is going to get dissolved, burn up, and destroyed, live for the One who makes all you do in His Name last forever (that’s II Peter 3).