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If you read and listen to the news with a Biblical mind, you can often hear a faint whisper of some of the truths God’s Word faintly in the background. Think about the implications of this summary I read this week:
Humans can live 40 days without food,
3 days without water,
8 minutes without air,
But only 1 second without hope!
What brings hopelessness to life? Most adults in the world, no matter where they live, face the same issues–job insecurity, health uncertainty, financial distress, future fears, relational woes, and general struggles that accompany normal, daily life in our world. Those wear on our hopes for the future.
But beyond those normal struggles, lurking all around us are deadly diseases, incurable killer viruses, and lethal pathogens that if released and unrestrained could devastate all human life in this world. The avian “bird flu” is a current example. Those shake our hopes for the future.
But even more ominously in the background are the current possibilities of terrorists, dirty bombs, and even more horrible–atomic weapons being unleashed again on this planet after 60 years of silence. Weapons of mass destruction if properly understood will delete strong hopes for a future.
Because of these three layers of problems, more and more people around the world are coming to the point of hopelessness—and ending their lives. Japan is seeing more and more suicides, and Germany is struggling with what was reported this week as a nationwide epidemic by the BBC of London’s headline: “Germany’s new ‘great depression’ ”
Record numbers of Germans are suffering from depression and other mental illnesses, a new report says. Up to 70% of Germans also say they are prepared to seek professional help for psychological problems.