Four Foundational Truths To Guide us Through Life are:
1. God’s Voice from Heaven in Rev. 4-5 describes the Real Heaven: There is only one Real Heaven and Rev. 4-5 describes what it looks like, so none of the other accounts that you read or hear about Heaven, other than the truths of God’s Word, are accurate or inspired.
2. God’s Voice from Heaven in Rev. 4-5 declares Eternal Heaven & Hell: There are only two destinations, one is an eternal place God calls Heaven, filled with joy, peace, bliss, and endless pleasures; and the other is a place of conscious, endless torments called Hell: and you are going to one or the other.
3. God’s Voice from Heaven in Rev. 4-5 demands One Way of Salvation: that the only way to Heaven is through having imputed to you by faith alone, the redemptive, blood-soaked, substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus upon the Cross, as described in God’s Word.
4. God’s Voice from Heaven in Rev. 4-5 destroys Self-Sufficiency: the only true salvation is the one that saved us out of our hopeless and helpless lostness, and that makes us bondservants of God. His salvation brings us into complete submission to God the Father, to God the Son, and to God the Spirit; and the eternal embodiment of Almighty God is manifested for us as Jesus Christ the Lord.
First, join me in listening to that voice of God, written down for us plainly in His Word.
Revelation 4-5 is a guided tour of Heaven, guided by God Himself.
Look at Rev. 1. How did we get this Book? It was a gift to us from God.
Why do we have this Book? So we can know the things God wants us to know.
Every word we have in these two chapters (plus all the rest of the Bible) are actual words from God. Let that settle in as we ponder this first truth.
The first Foundational Truth that we each need to settle in our minds, and hold tightly to in the days ahead is this:
Truth-1, God’s Voice from Heaven in Rev. 4-5 describes the Real Heaven: There is only one Real Heaven and Rev. 4-5 describes what it looks like, so none of the other accounts that you read or hear about Heaven, other than the truths of God’s Word, are accurate or inspired.
How should we apply that truth? Here is one of the most powerful and helpful ways to do so. Jesus said that the closer to the end of days we get, the more deceptive Satan’s lies become.
The errors from the Pit are going to infect the earth more widely and deeply than ever before as the end approaches. What is one way that we can protect ourselves from Satan’s lies today? Here is a very simple application:
Beware of Anytime Heaven is Described Differently from How God Described it