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Illustrating Salvation’s Big Three Doctrines. Remember the illustration of the “Big Three Doctrines”? Those big three salvation doctrines we need to always remind ourselves about are redemption, justification, and sanctification.
  Redemption Illustrated: We started life on earth as dead in our trespasses and sin (pictured by my pen laying on the palm of my hand); redemption is when Jesus reached down and bought us out of the slave market of sin (that is my hand grasping the pen);
  Justification Illustrated: justification is Jesus lifting me to be seated with Him already in Heaven, we are completely freed from the penalty and record of our sin (pen raised to illustrate our righteous standing in God’s sight);
  Sanctification Illustrated: sanctification is God forever binding our souls into His grasp and pulling us closer and closer to Him until at the end of our earthly life, He safely lands us into His Presence forever (pen illustrating us pulled daily a notch closer to God’s presence in our choices of life).
  Now, go with me back to the context of our study of redemption. Remember how we got to this topic: God wants us to see that redemption is the theme of our worship in Heaven. Here is a reminder of those lessons in True Biblical Worship that Revelation 4-5 teaches us.