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The most amazing proof of God’s Word is that Jesus used the very same words you are holding in your hands this morning. He quoted them, memorized them, and declared that they were the words from God that you and I could stake our souls upon.
   Jesus told us that His Spirit inspired this Book, and He believed in the trustworthiness of every word of this Book. So the Bible is the foundation for our faith and ministry, and that is why we began examining and illustrating it as the Book we can trust from the first Sunday we shared.
   The most compelling reason of all is this: Jesus authenticated and affirmed that the book we call the Bible is the very revelation of God’s Word. He used it as the foundation for His teaching, quoted from it, and ascribed to the Bible His divine imprimatur.
   So I believe that Bible can be trusted because our Lord Jesus Christ said so! Over and over we find Him asking those who questioned Him, “Have you never read?”, “It is written” and “Search the Scriptures”. We can summarize Christ’s view of God’s Word by using modern doctrinal markers. Jesus believed in: the verbal, plenary inspiration of the Scriptures; the inerrancy of God’s Word; and the historical reliability of the Bible.