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Alcohol, God’s Servants & My Convictions
Romans 14; Proverbs & Ephesians 5:18
First off to answer this question I must confess that I do not drink alcohol in any form, by conviction. My convictions based on God’s Word are:
First, I don’t drink because God always condemns drunkenness (1 Cor. 6:10)
Second, I don’t drink because God commanded that any priest who came before Him in the Tabernacle or Temple was not to drink (Lev. 10:9)
Third, I don’t drink because God said that those who lead His people are to not drink (Prov. 31:4-6; 1 Tim.3:3) Fourth, I don’t drink because God led Paul to say that he would limit his freedom, and never eat meat or drink alcohol (Rom. 14:21) if it caused any believer to veer off God’s path
Fifth, I don’t drink because God contrasts alcohol with the Spirit in Ephesians 5:18, I want to be known as a man that seeks the influence of the Holy Spirit, not alcohol.
Sixth, I don’t drink because God said that elders have a higher standard than deacons or others in the church (1 Tim. 3:3).
Finally, I don’t drink because of our whole beer drinking, bar hopping, clubbing society that portrays alcohol almost always with things that displease God (Rom. 12:1-2).