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One gifted author has identified 25 ways to be a husband discipling his wife:
1. A husband discipling his wife includes his wife in envisioning the future.
2. A husband discipling his wife accepts spiritual responsibility for his family.
3. A husband discipling his wife is willing to say “I’m sorry” and “forgive me” to his family.
4. A husband discipling his wife discusses household responsibilities with his wife and makes sure these are fairly distributed.
5. A husband discipling his wife seeks the consultation of his wife on all major financial decisions.
6. A husband discipling his wife follows through with commitments he has made to his wife.
7. A husband discipling his wife anticipates the different states his marriage will pass through.
8. A husband discipling his wife, likewise, anticipates the stages his children will pass through.
9. A husband discipling his wife frequently tells his wife what he likes about her.
10. A husband discipling his wife provides financially for his family’s basic living expenses.
11. A husband discipling his wife deals with distractions so that he can talk with his wife and family.
12. A husband discipling his wife prays with his wife on a regular basis.
13. A husband discipling his wife initiates meaningful family traditions.
14. A husband discipling his wife initiates fun outings for the family on a monthly basis, or even more often.
15. A husband discipling his wife takes the time to give his children practical instruction about life, which in turn gives them confidence with their peers.
16. A husband discipling his wife goes over the upcoming week with his wife to clarify their schedule and anticipate any pressure points.
17. A husband discipling his wife keeps the family out of debt.
18. A husband discipling his wife lets his children into the interior of his life.
19. A husband discipling his wife makes sure he and his wife have drawn up a will and arranged a well-conceived plan for their children in case of death.
20. A husband discipling his wife lets his children into the interior of his life.
21. A husband discipling his wife praises his wife often in public.
22. A husband discipling his wife explains sex to each child in a way that gives him or her a wholesome perspective.
23. A husband discipling his wife encourages his wife to grow as an individual.
24. A husband discipling his wife takes the lead in establishing with his wife clear and well-reasoned convictions. 25. A husband discipling his wife joins a small group of men who are dedicated to improvising their skills as husbands and fathers.
26. A husband discipling his wife provides time for his wife to pursue personal interests.

So what are we to do as husbands to disciple our wife?

1. First we need to consider what every wife needs to succeed: