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Over the last 18 months, I have taught face-to-face with hundreds of Millennials & Young Adults. Do you know what I have been most alarmed about? Many of them are losing their sight and hearing at an alarming rate. Not their physical eyes and ears, it is their ability to clearly SEE God’s truth in His Word and HEAR His voice through His Word.
 The only hope for Christ’s church is that each new generation cultivates the spiritual hunger and thirst after God through His Word that marks the new birth.
 Here is my closing challenge I try to share with each group of NextGeneration students. Why not pause and consider if YOU are willing to make these simple choices to preserve your SPIRITUAL sight and hearing for the Lord’s sake.
The Description of Six Choices to Preserve Healthy Spiritual Sight
Isaiah 33:15 (NKJV)
1. He who walks righteously [Lifestyle of practical purity]
2. and speaks uprightly, [Speech under control]
3. He who despises the gain of oppressions, [Compassion]
4. Who gestures with his hands, refusing bribes, [Honesty]
5. Who stops his ears from hearing of bloodshed, [Pure audio]
6. And shuts his eyes from seeing evil: [Pure video]