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As we open to I Thessalonians 5, there is one tool God left us above all others that is ours alone to use. We are not forced, we are not obligated, we are just offered the single greatest source of unleashing spiritual power through our lives.

And what is that tool we can take or leave each day? It is the tool that keeps us connected to God, His Word, His plan, His power, and His Presence—the choice we make to talk to Him in prayer!

Prayer is how we can open our lives to God’s plan and then be used by Him to penetrate the lives of our marriage partner, our children, and our dearest friends with God’s truth.

Prayer is how we can see God unleashed in our life and theirs.

Prayer is how we can every day be actively using God’s Word and seeing it touch those we love so much.

Prayer is the most powerful tool in the arsenal of weaponry that God has given us, to win spiritual battles. And marriage, discipling, parenting, and grand parenting are all in the context of a great, raging spiritual battle all around and within us, right? That brings us to:

Christ’s Clearest

When Jesus left Earth and went back to heaven, what did those who were closest to Him remember about Him? What one aspect of His life did they see so often that they couldn’t forget, and even more, wanted to copy? Or we could ask, what did the disciples choose to imitate from His life? Or, what was it about Him they couldn’t get along without? Prayer, of course.

As Acts 6:4 reminds us, when the disciples made their first personal report on all they learned after 3 ½ years of personal discipleship in Christ’s training they said, “We will give ourselves continually to prayer and the ministry of the Word.”

What do we need to do to most help those we love? Pray, of course.

We have a biblical obligation to PRAY