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Now, as we open to Revelation 4-5, we can see a future picture of all of us true believers, gathered in Heaven as the true worshippers of God, worshipping at the highest level in: unhindered, focused, and glorified worship.
Those in Heaven are: unhindered by time, or by their flesh, or by any distraction; and they are focused directly upon the Lamb as they bow in front of the Throne; and most of all, they are glorified, so that no more does their humanness, or sin, or the Devil interfere in any way with worship. That is worship at the highest level. We have arrived at a passage of God’s Word that gives us what can only be called:
John 4:24 (NKJV) God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”
Biblical Worship Always Has Three Elements
Think about everything you know from the Bible about worship.
Every time worship is portrayed in the Bible it always has three elements:
1, the person that is offering the worship; and
2, the offering that they are bringing; and
3, the One they are giving that offering to.
Those three perspectives are always present in the Bible. And all three elements had to be RIGHT or the worship was WRONG.
True Worship is Offered by Surrendered Believers (Rom. 12:1-2)