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Little Choices to Give Away Love

1. Godly moms partnering with God in raising their children: love their children in a way that can be felt when they prepare special words for them.

Like Paul they used tender and encouraging words to help his son in the faith Timothy, they speak to their children. And like Paul, they won’t belittle their children for their weaknesses and tears. We should always remember that hugs aren’t enough. Tell your children how you feel about them! Those who are left to fill in the blanks often feel worthless and insecure. At best, only confusion can come from silence.

Far too many of us are really not that encouraging. It’s not that we have a critical spirit. Rather, we just say nothing. Our loved ones are not mind readers. We can do better than just expecting them to know we are in their corner, loving and admiring them silently. They need to hear it! Grace-energized mothers make an effort to catch them doing something good, right, thoughtful, considerate, well done, etc., and point it out. Highlight it! “Hey, you really handled that situation very well.”

2. Godly moms partnering with God in raising their children: love their children in a way that can be felt when they attach high value to them.

Remember what we saw in Paul, how he told Timothy he had a “treasure” entrusted to him; and that he was “gifted”; and that God was “going to use him”. Grace-energized mothers tell their children the qualities they admire in them.

3. Godly moms partnering with God in raising their children: love their children in a way that can be felt when they picture a bright future for them.

Paul told Timothy about a “crown” that was awaiting him as he ran the “race” set before him; and that the Lord was going to “reward” him. So we also should express what God can do with them as they follow Him in their life. Grace-energized mothers explain to their children how they can become the greatest servant of the Lord in whatever field God has gifted them. Explain why you think their gifts and character traits will be useful throughout their lives. Avoid the overuse of negative admonitions; use Biblical affirmations to inspire confident dependence upon God.