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Hearing God’s Voice
GOD HAS SPOKEN. That’s why almost the FIRST LESSON that we teach in every gathering of NextGeneration missionaries is an affirmation of the BOOK YOU CAN TRUST. We must help these young people see that they HAVE the INSPIRED Word of God. The GREATEST delight in life is HEARING & UNDERSTANDING the VOICE of God. The Bible is the record of the words that God wants each of us to hear. Do you have that serene confidence that you hold God’s forever settled Word in your hands? that is what the Scriptures are. God INSPIRED the flawless record of ALL He wants us to know.
God’s Will is laid down in His Word. It is not finding God’s Will for my life that we pursue, it is knowing and doing God’s Will as revealed, then my life is pleasing to Him and is also following His will.
As we start through the last 3 books of the Old Testament, the first lesson is that GOD has SPOKEN. The question is: “Are YOU listening?”