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Are you wearing your ID Tag this morning? Jesus said in John 13 that each of His children have an ID badge. “By this shall all men know that YOU are My disciples…” What is that ID? By the what? THE LOVE we are to have. Are you wearing that badge in your marriage? In your home? In your family? It is of utmost importance that we do! Young Gandhi With a Christian Family
While attending a university in London, Mahatma Gandhi the future leader who would sway the hearts of hundreds of millions of his own people in India, became almost convinced that the Christian religion was the one true, supernatural religion in the world. Upon graduation, and still seeking evidence that would make him a committed Christian, young Gandhi accepted employment in East Africa and for seven months living in the home of a family who was members of an evangelical Christian church. As soon as he discovered that fact he decided that here would be the place to find the evidence he sought.
But as the months passed and he saw the casualness of their attitude toward the cause of God, heard them complain when they were called upon to make sacrifices for the kingdom of God, and sensed their general religious apathy, Gandhi’s interest turned to disappointment. He said in his heart, “No, it is not the one true, supernatural religion I had hoped to find. A good religion, but just one more of the many religions in the world.”
Loving one another is not optional, it is the way that all the world will know that we are Christ’s disciples! Gandhi’s conclusion is a sad but shockingly true reminder of the neglected power of a Christian family. This morning in a very real way the way you live, the way you talk, and the way you respond to your brothers and sisters reflect who you really are as a believer. Do you really love your brothers and sisters that God has placed all around your life?

God’s Plan for brothers and sisters is to love one another.
God’s Method for brothers and sisters to love one another is His Spirit.

God’s Word tells us what it means for brothers and sisters to love each other and that love must start in our homes. This is most clearly laid down in 1st John. Let us turn there and survey what John says this morning.

In the widest sense of God’s Word, 1st John is a message to all believers – that is the meaning of brethren, little children, and brothers and sisters.