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3. Pray that they Reflect Christ’s love in their relationships:
• By Waiting for God’s Chosen Partner

The second biggest choice in life, and the one that impacts everything else after salvation is your marriage.

How you feel, how you serve, how you live most moments of your life—all are tied to the person you decide to share your life with, in marriage.

And, when that marriage is not working, even if you break the covenant and divorce, that marriage partner will impact the rest of your life: either as a hurtful memory, a painful reminder, or as a costly investment of your life that is now irretrievably gone.

The outlook for a joy-filled lifelong marriage is bleak without the Lord! To help us, God has left a colorful guide to marriage; it is a timeless list of personalities to avoid at all costs, and personalities to be attracted toward.

This list is in the Bible. Nestled among the 66 books of God’s Word are the 31 chapters, 915 verses and over 15,000 words of the Book of Proverbs. In Proverbs, there are over 200 verses that actually declare what good men and women, boys and girls look and act like, and what the immature, unspiritual, and ungodly opposites look and act like.

Have you refreshed your understanding of what the Lord in His infinite wisdom has said about this very practical and relevant area?

So for us, this list would express what we should be and what we should avoid.

For most of us, most of our life will be spent in marriage.

What do you want most of your years of life to be like? Do you want them to be hard times of tension, agony, frustration or pain? Or do you want them to be joyous and satisfying and the best years of your life?

God’s Word goes so far as to even identify what type of person we should avoid, stay away from, and especially never consider as a viable marriage partner. The list is timeless and can be your guide to a joyous Biblical marriage. How about taking a look at some of those 200 verses with me this morning? Let’s open to Proverbs chapter 2.