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One thing you can be sure of—God keeps His Word.
You can count on Him, trust Him, and believe His Word. We have been looking at the future for the last few weeks in our Prophetic Series What’s Next. But this morning, as we remember Palm Sunday we are assured that God will keep His Word about the future. How do we know that for certain? Because He has kept His Word so perfectly and exactly in the past!
What chapter have we been studying for several weeks now? Matthew 24. As we have looked at doomsday for planet earth in verse after verse of Matthew 24, have you ever wondered what the context of that passage is? When in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ did that incredible prophetic look into the future occur?
To find out, please open with me to Palm Sunday in Christ’s life in Matthew 21. We find Palm Sunday in all four Gospels (Matthew 21; Mark 11; Luke 19; John 12). But our reading this morning will be Matthew 21:1-11.
If you read closely the events of Matthew 21 you find that two days later Jesus is sitting on the side of the Mount of Olives describing the future of the world to His disciples. Sunday was Christ’s triumphal entry and two days later was His sober reporting of what was coming.
We could say all that this way–Palm Sunday was followed by Doomsday Tuesday.
Yes, just two days after this Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem Jesus saw and described the destruction coming in the near and far future.