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He Touched
The Centurion
Matthew 27:54 So when the centurion and those with him, who were guarding Jesus, saw the earthquake and the things that had happened, they feared greatly, saying, “Truly this was the Son of God!” (NKJV)
A centurion was trained never to fear. As the most trusted of the soldiers of Caesar’s Legions, these were the men who looked death in the face unflinchingly. They would lock their mighty shields in battle and march against countless foes and never fear. Have you ever paused to think about this scene? What amazing events these must have been to make a tough, calloused and hardened centurion to FEAR GREATLY.
This soldier had been born somewhere in the Empire. Perhaps his father was a legionnaire. He listened to the stories as he grew up about the wonders of Ancient Rome: it’s nobles, temples, virtues, and fearless legionnaires. As he grew perhaps his father took him to the holidays and at an arena he saw gladiators fighting to the death and mighty horse and chariot races.
Then he chose to become one of Caesar’s finest and the barracks became his home. He was taught to discipline his body, to obey orders and to fight without fear. He learned to kill, to drink and to curse by the gods. He was calloused and hard. A SOLDIER OF ROME. As he distinguished himself in his duties he rose to become a leader of a hundred, a Centurion.
One day on the bulletin board of his barracks and notice was posted dispatching him to the most despised corner of the Empire – Palestine. But not the lovely coastal port of Roman Caesarea, no of all places on earth he was being sent to Jerusalem. A city seething with religious fanaticism and zealots; and ready to explode at any moment. A place where Rome was not respected, nor obeyed. He served Caesar in Jerusalem.
One morning the Roman Governor Pilate summoned him to his palace. “Take these three and crucify them and report back when they are dead.” Who were they? It didn’t matter. 30,000 had already been crucified. It was just a job. One of them thought he was some kind of a King. Well we will show Him what Rome thinks of rival kings.
But now its 3 PM and as Matthew 27:54 tells us: Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying,
Truly this was the Son of God.
That is the greatest miracle of all, because that is the one He is still doing!
I have often wondered what it was like when he went home after this tour of duty. People came up to him and said you are different. What happened? I can hear him say:
I met a man at a place called Calvary. He was dying on a cross of wood. That man was GOD; and that God changed my life!
Did you know on this Resurrection Sunday: THAT was the greatest of all the miracles, because that is the most repeated of all Christ’s mighty works. Because:
Jesus Still
Touches Hearts Today
When Christ hung on that cross of wood for you and for me He confirmed His deity as He performed powerful touches from Calvary:
This Resurrection Sunday we worship:
• The Light of the World (John 8:12) who lit the Sun, and darkened it.
• The Way to God (John 14:6), who tore open the dividing wall in the Temple.
• The Maker of all things (John 1:3) who alone can make the Earth to quake.
• The Resurrection and Life (John 5:28-29), the Only One who can raise the dead.
• The Savior of the World (John 4:42; I John 4:14) who alone can touch a heart!
Have you met Jesus? Has He changed your life?
He promised that whoever comes to Him, He will never push away.
If you never have, you can call out for Jesus to save you today!