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When Jesus Finds Sin in His Church (Revelation 1:12-17; Revelation 2 & 3)
Most of us have been there before. We’re sitting in the waiting room, a friend or family member is in with the doctor, and we’re waiting. We’re wondering if everything is going to be okay.
And when the doctor finally finishes his examination and comes out to deliver the news, we know.
We know what he’s going to say before he says it just by the look on his face.
And the doctor sits us down together and says, “I have good news and I have bad news.
The bad news is you have cancer. The good news is you’re going to live.”
And then he starts to explain what we have to do to get healthy again.
What we see in Revelation chapter 1 is John sitting in the waiting room.
And Jesus has just come out of the examination room.
He’s come back from giving each of His seven churches a check-up, and the moment John sees His face, he knows the news isn’t going to be good. In fact, when John sees the look on the face of the Great Physician, he faints with fear (1:17).
But Jesus also has good news.
The bad news is that His Church has cancer. But the good news is that it doesn’t have to be terminal.
Jesus has a Cancer Treatment Plan that can’t fail, and while the surgery, the chemotherapy, and the radiation treatments may be painful at the time, our Great Physician will do anything and everything necessary to get His Church healthy again.