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So what are some of the ways Heli, father of Mary, may have directed his daughter?
I. HELI ENCOURAGED THAT MARY LISTENED TO GOD. (Luke 1:26-28). Like Samuel was told, come to God’s Word and say, “Speak Lord, your servant hears.” And every time we open this book, He does speak. It is only a question of are we listening!
II. HELI ENCOURAGED THAT MARY HUMBLED HERSELF BEFORE GOD SAID YES TO GOD’S GRACE. (Luke 1:29 Who me?) No airs, no pride, just a humble troubled heart that anyone would even say such a thing. She knew her own heart, certainly, God would too! She was Saved by God. (Luke 1:30 lit. ‘discovered the grace of God ‘) Mary joined the countless multitude who are heirs of life eternal by God’s grace. Her study of the Word led her to the open arms of “God my Savior”.
III. HELI ENCOURAGED THAT MARY SURRENDERED TO GOD’S WILL (Luke 1:31-33) To produce within her body tiny hands that would someday touch lepers with a healing touch, to form a mouth within her womb that would speak the very Word of God, to feel the kick of feet that would walk the roads of Israel and spread the Gospel. What an incredible ministry opportunity.
IV. HELI ENCOURAGED THAT MARY EXPERIENCED GOD (Luke 1:34-37) She wouldn’t even consider anything immoral. Instead, she was surrounded by the Shekinah as God the Son entered her womb. God doing the impossible is what our life for Him is all about.
V. HELI ENCOURAGED THAT MARY SERVED GOD JOYFULLY (Luke 1:38-45) She was a Slave of God. Luke 1:38 “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May it be to me as you have said.” Then the angel left her. (NIV) Wow, what a submissive and godly attitude. I’ll say yes Lord yes to your will and to your way! All I am all I have all I’ll ever be . . . And off she goes to be a blessing, starting with her cousin who hadn’t told her the big news yet! VI. HELI ENCOURAGED THAT MARY IMMERSED HERSELF IN THE SCRIPTURES. (Luke 1:46-55) She Sought God. Look at Have you paused to ask yourself how she did it? For starters, chew on this – In a world where Mary lived every drop of water was carried home by women from springs or wells in clay pots. Every ounce of flour was ground with a stone mill. Every bread loaf was baked in an oven with a wood fire burning to heat it. All dishes were washed (remember that well, the pot, the walk . . .) So time was at a premium, what’s new right? But also, women were not at a premium. Jesus was the first to elevate women to their proper place. In Mary’s time, they were close to being furniture. So her knowledge of the Scriptures must have come from either her dad who Luke tells us was named Heli (Luke 3:23 traces Mary back to Adam to show Jesus as the Savior of the world. Matthew 1 traces Joseph back to Abraham to show Jesus was the Messiah of the Jews.) Maybe Heli encouraged his daughter by exposing her deeply to the Scriptures. What a wonderful pursuit for any dad. Whatever the means Mary SOUGHT GOD!