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Lesson 2: Persecution is inevitable. The next thing Jesus says to Smyrna is this: “I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.” Not only does Jesus know their suffering, He is not surprised by it.
During Christ’s ministry, the first stirrings of persecution began in Smyrna.
In the last days of Jesus’ life, in the little town called Smyrna, Emperor Tiberius built an altar to himself.
Year after year, he asked the people to reaffirm their allegiance to him, and it was pretty simple.
You didn’t have to say anything out loud.
The crowd couldn’t really see what you were doing.
You just had to put a tiny bit of incense on the altar, and that was all it took.
Picture it. The whole city is lined up.
One by one they come through the archway leading into the forum area. Soldiers stand guard, the city clerk sits with the registry of names, his pen, and a bowl of incense in front of him. The stream of citizens walk by, take a pinch of the powder, drop it onto the coal fire burning in the censor, and walk out into another year of peace and security.