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The prayers that flow from a Word-filled life are: simple, direct, and Biblical. If we seek to pray simply, directly, and Biblically – it will harmonize our prayers to the Lord, His will, His Spirit and we will experience the power of a Word-filled life.
Remember Ezra faced a worldly congregation, soaked in all the worldly ways of Babylon and Persia. What was his plan to bring about lasting change in those he served? He started with his own life. He learned to point his heart frequently toward doing God’s Will. The final facet of the life of that incredible Old Testament giant Ezra’s life we need to study is his prayer life.
The priority of prayer in the Word-filled life is seen in the extensive use of the imperative class of verbs in the Hebrew language, by Ezra. There also in the beauty of the Hebrew language, three different verb forms used in the imperatives of the 119th Psalm: Piel, Hiphil, and Qal.
48 times with 23 phrases, Ezra cries to the Lord. The secret of his fruitful life was his choice to invite the Lord into every part of his life, and invite Him into every part of his day.
1. Let me not wander (7886): 10
2. Teach me (3925): 7; 12; 26; 64; 66; 68; 71; 73; 99; 108;124;135; 171. [13]
3. Open me (1540): 18
4. Remove from me (1556): 22.
5. Make me understand (995): 27; 34; 73; 95; 100; 104; 125; 130; 144; 169. [10]
6. Strengthen me (6965): 28; 38; 62; 106.
7. Take away from me (5493): 29; 102; 115.
8. Grant me graciously (2603): 29; 58; 132
9. Make me go (1869): 35
10. Incline me (5186): 36; 51; 112; 157.
11. Turn away (5674); 37; 39.
12. Revive me (2421): 17; 25; 37; 40; 50; 77; 88; 93; 107; 116; 144; 149; 154; 156; 159; 175. [16]
13. Help me (5826): 86; 173; 175.
14. Save me (3467): 94; 117; 146.
15. Uphold me (5564): 116.
16. Hold me (5582): 117.
17. Redeem me (6299): 134;