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God Explains the Choices that Spirit-Filled Believers Make

Job is our first portrait of what a Spirit-Filled believer and parent choose to do: they allow the Holy Spirit to empower their life and home.

From Job’s life, we can see choices that allowed God to transform his family; and by the power of God’s Spirit, we can also choose to start making these choices characteristic of our life!

Here are the choices Job made, and that all Spirit-Prompted family members can also make.

Choice #1: Spirit-Filled Believers Are Given to Godly Praying Like Job

What is the key truth about Job, the godly dad? Job was a man of prayer.

The Book of Job is perhaps the oldest book in the world. It is also perhaps the clearest view into the spirit world, the spiritual side of parenting, and the cosmic proportion of conflicts we face as we parent and leads as dads. Look at Job 1:5:

Job 1:5 So it was when the days of feasting had run their course, that Job would send and sanctify them, and he would rise early in the morning and offer burnt offerings [according to] the number of them all. For Job said, “It may be that my sons have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.” Thus Job did regularly. (NKJV)

Notice this section is called “given to prayer”. That term is well defined in the NT. Look with me for a moment at Acts 6:4.

How to Cultivate Spirit-Filled Praying

In just eight words, the disciples summed up everything Jesus taught them about: prayer, priorities, and in just seven more words, the basis for the entire ministry of the Gospel.

For anyone who is involved in ministry: this is our priority and starting place. The Lord tells us what should be the first place we go each day in ministry. For all of us, the true source of power for lasting ministry is defined here.

Please read along in your Bibles with me this verse, Acts 6:4. Join me standing to revere the Word, and with a heart to hear from God, please do something that will drill this verse down deep into your heart: right where you’re standing, look down and slowly, deliberately and softly read this verse, emphasizing each word.


Check Out All The Sermons In The Series

You can find all the sermons and short clips from this series, Camp Barakel 2012 here

Looking To Study The Bible Like Dr. Barnett?

Dr. Barnett has curated an Amazon page with a large collection of resources he uses in his study of God’s Word. You can check it out here.