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Did you know that as we live our life each day all of the choices we make, actions we do, and lives we touch are swept up as they occur and are instantly–
Poured Out Before God
God tests or examines our “works” or deeds done as believers with the life He has bought and paid for.
Once we are saved the Lord holds us responsible for all the choices we make. I’m not talking about sin, but rather everything else in life that we do.
The Lord God who wrote the Book here explains to us a plan for living.
He reduces every choice, every decision, every plan, and every goal in life for a believer down to one of two types. Either that plan thought, or action was good, and God saves it forever, or it was bad and God burns it. It isn’t worthy of Heaven, eternity, nor His Presence.
According to Jesus, there are only two settings on God’s sorter. And with that sorting system, God sorts our lives into two piles: save or burn.
Have you ever noticed that Jesus always dealt in sharp contrasts and absolutes? Look for a moment at Matthew 6, and think of what He said:
• There are only two Banks: the one where things get lost, stolen, rusted, and moth eaten; and the one where things are secured eternally (Matthew 6:19-21).
• There are only two masters, but only one can be loved, served, and pleased by our lives (Matthew 6:24).
• There are only two roads that we can walk while on Earth: one to Heaven one to Hell (Matthew 7:13-14).
That means that for all of God’s born-again children, Christ Jesus only has two categories that He uses to rate everything we do, as He sorts out the constant stream of time as we use it up with the activities His children do in life.
Each of us live out our life in front of God, like a pipeline:
Poured Out
Before God
Have you ever thought about that? Our lives are like a pipeline stretching up into Heaven that spews out every action, thought, and motive at Christ’s feet.
At the start, God judicially erases, zaps, and gets rid of every sin, so that is never in the pipeline. But everything else in life flows upward from us and into the very Presence of God. As it comes it is sorted. One pile is Good, it is worthy of God, it is pleasing to Him, and it is worth God keeping forever.
The other pile goes into the incinerator. It is bad, worthless, unworthy of God, and not worth saving in eternity.