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So Acts is a video report of how the Apostles and disciples shared the Gospel message in every possible setting. What we get is to see how the eyewitnesses shared with the world what happened in the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus. As we go through all 28 chapters we find that there are 22-recorded events where a Gospel Message is presented.
So what is our GOSPEL MESSAGE SUMMARY after the 6th message on how to be saved? Really REPENT and TURN AWAY FROM INIQUITY, and BE SAVED by RECEIVING FORGIVENESS of SINS, when you BELIEVE WITH ALL YOUR HEART.
Philip began to beware of false professors. He didn’t look for merely believing the facts; he sought a heart of faith for Jesus. What lesson had Philip learned from Peter on soul-winning? I think Peter has drawn Philip back to Christ’s first warning of false professors of faith. Jesus had taught Peter and the apostles this type of person who said all the right things and yet lacked true saving faith. Why don’t we go there to Matthew 7 before we celebrate the Lord’s Supper this morning? Peter must have shared with Philip what he had heard so clearly from the lips of Jesus. As Jesus taught His men to be soul winners He said false professions would come. Listen to Jesus in Matthew 7:21 and 23:
v. 21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.
v. 23 “And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
Jesus said saved people turn from doing their own will and going their own way as a lost person to doing God’s will and way as a saved person.
Remember Matthew 7:13-23 presents Christ’s way of describing true and genuine salvation:
True believers are those who ENTER GOD’S WAY [v. 13-15 it is narrow, small and they are few]
True believers are those who BEAR GOD’S FRUIT [v.16-20]
True believers are those who DO GOD’S WILL [V. 21]
True believers are those who KNOW GOD INTIMATELY [v. 22-23]
True believers are those who OBEY GOD’S WORD [v.24a if God says it they believe and obey]
True believers are those who BUILD THEIR LIVES UPON THE ROCK [v. 24b]
So this morning we watched the video for 8 chapters of Acts. What do we see contained in the Gospel Message they presented? One thing for sure, they never quite explain it the same exact way. There seem to be many ways to say the same simple message of salvation. But what is our GOSPEL MESSAGE SUMMARY after the 6th message on how to be saved?
BELIEVE WITH ALL YOUR HEART. And if you have been saved by God’s miraculous grace so richly and freely bestowed through Christ, then you are a True believer who has ENTERED GOD’S WAY, BEARS GOD’S FRUIT, DOES GOD’S WILL, KNOWS GOD INTIMATELY, OBEYS GOD’S WORD, and BUILDS YOUR LIFE UPON THE ROCK.
You say, that sounds impossible. It is humanly, that is why only those born FROM ABOVE, are truly saved. Let’s celebrate the Great Salvation symbolized in the Lord’s Supper this morning.