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As we open to I Peter 3 this morning, may I challenge each of you to one of Christ’s greatest promises to us as believers? Jesus said, “If you pray in faith you can see even that mountain moved” (Mt. 17:20); and, “If any two of you agree as touching anything, I will do it” (Mt. 18:19); and again, “Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened unto you” (Matthew 7:7; Lk. 11:9).

The unlimited power of unhindered prayer in marriage is explained by Peter in chapter 3 to be in the context of a submissive, servant-hearted couple, living together in a harmonious, godly marriage. For us today we should remember that the majority of all adults in America are married. So our study today touches on most of us here. Either you are currently married, or will be someday be married, so this message from God’s Word is for YOU!

God designed for marriage to be delightful.

But when you add two believers who commit to a godly, Word-filled marriage there is an incredibly high degree of delight plus incredible power for spiritual ministry added to that marriage, that others do not have.

Today God’s Word challenges us to see the power God offers to couples who pray together with a shared faith and walk with the Lord. As we’ll see in a moment, Peter commends the amazing power of unhindered prayers.

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