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Our Shared Passion
ACTS 1:14
Adv – “with one purpose, mind, accord, unanimously”
Acts (11x) 7x
1. 1:14 continued one accord – prayer (com.)
2. 2:1 all one accord in one place (fell)
3. 2:46 daily with one accord in the Temple – worship
4. 4:24 voice to God with one accord – prayer (communion)
5. 5:12 all with one accord – temple (worship) see also 5:20
6. 8:6 people without accord gave heed – resp. (response)
7. 15:25 (leaders) without accord [become one mind] – decisions (direction)
So they had this incredible start. It was based on a shared life that is as stated: “distinctly described”.
How so? Well, Paul the wordsmith makes words with a preposition:
sun = with, together, fellow… No less than ten times!! Unique word pictures that tell us in a down-to-earth way how to be as a church!
A shared life comes as we are: shared life is realized as we are
A. Living in the world – most aware of this!! This is our outward manifestation of being Christ’s body.
B. Serving in the body inward – This is our task at QBC.
C. Pursuing Christ-likeness upward – This is our lifelong goal.
*Each of these aspects to be lived out is pointedly described by means of vivid word pictures. We are:
1. Living in the world to be: (outward)
Sumpolites = fellow citizens (Phil. 3)
Sumergoi = fellow workers (Rom. 16)
Sumkoinonia = fellow partners
2. Serving in the body (inward)
Sumpathco = fellow feelers (1 Pet. 3:8)
   = fellow comforters (Rom. 1:1)
   = fellow slaves (Cor. 1)
3. Pursuing Christ-likeness (upward)
Fellow life sharers (Phil. 2)
Fellow imitators (Phil. 3)
Fellow heirs… (Eph. 3)