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If you belong to Jesus, then He wants you to know two things: These are the things that please Him. These are the things that don’t please Him. Whether you read on or not, you are responsible for whether or not your life is pleasing to God. Whether you’re aware of what pleases God and what doesn’t, Jesus will chasten you as His child until you are in line with His Word. We are responsible to hear God speak through His Word. We are responsible to obey it. No excuses, no exemptions.
We’re about to dive into Christ’s messages to the seven churches, His rebukes, His chastening, and the scourging He inflicts when His people ignore His warnings. We will see what God loves in His people, and we’ll see what He hates. This isn’t a take-it-or-leave-it proposition. This is the Christian life, and no one gets to skip Part 2 of Jesus’ plan. He will perfect us until we are pure and spotless, ready to present to Him in heaven.
Are you ready?
If you belong to Jesus, then He wants you to know two things, everything is either:
1. Pleasing to Him, or
2. Not Pleasing to Him
Precious Jesus, there is nothing more important to us than to live a life that is pleasing to You. We look forward to the day when You return for Your bride, when we are finally presented spotless and wrinkle-free, but until that day, let us heed Your gentle word of rebuke when You speak to us as sons, and, like You told the Ephesians, the Pergamites, the Thyatirans, and the believers at Sardis and Laodicea, let us repent immediately and live as Your slave. May we be known by Your name. May we hold our possessions with open hands knowing they belong to You, and may we set aside our own plans in favor of Yours. Thank You for Your Word. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit. In Your precious name, we pray. Amen.