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12. Immature and ungodly men are: Violent (16.29)

Proverbs 16:29 a violent man entices his neighbor and leads him in a way that is not good.

They are fighters, argumentative, brash, harsh, and hurtful. God says avoid this type of man.

13. Immature and ungodly men are: Unfaithful (25.19)

Proverbs 25:19 Confidences in an unfaithful man in time of trouble is like a bad tooth and a foot out of joint.

They don’t keep their word, they change their mind, and they stand you up, keep you waiting, and are basically unreliable. God says avoid this type of man.

14. Immature and ungodly men are: Unsatisfied (27.20)

Proverbs 27:20 Hell and Destruction are never full; so the eyes of man are never satisfied.

They never get enough, never have enough, always want more, and even then—that is never enough. They are listless, restless, and helplessly held by their desires. God says avoid this type of man.

In summary, the 915 verses God shares with us from His heart of wisdom in Proverbs describe the type of man not to become, the type of boy not to give your heart to, and the type of behavior to ask God for grace to repent of every time it shows up in your life.

God says avoid immature and ungodly men who are: Perverse (2.12); Wicked (5.22); Worthless (6.12) ; Lustful (6.26-27) ; Empty (7.7); Foolish (10.23); Lazy (10.26); Cruel (11.17); Quick Tempered (14.17); Ungodly (16.27); Perverse (16.28); Violent (16.29); Isolated (18.1); Guilty (21.8); Unfaithful (25.19); Unsatisfied (27.20).

What will you be? Your choices today, energized by God’s grace will determine your future! PRAY