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God loves things to be according to His specifications. He likes us to follow the code He has established in His Word. When Moses went up the mountain in Exodus 24:1825:40, God showed him the detailed plans for the Tabernacle, the most written about physical building in the Universe. More chapters are devoted to the detailed descriptions of this building than any other in the Bible. God spent more time on the Tabernacle than He does on the Creation of the Cosmos, the Flood and even the last week of Christ’s life.

The Tabernacle was so important to God that He wanted it built and operated just right. God wanted His Glory and plan to be reflected by everything done in that tent. The same is true in another temple He has built.

Did you know that there is another building that has even more detailed instructions than even the Old Testament Tabernacle? It is your New Testament body, the temple of the Living God. God has a very special way He wants you to take care of and use that building He lives in.

We are God’s Building