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4—Am I Excited to Taste the Joys of Heaven?: Rev. 21:1—Heaven with Jesus sounds wonderful, but let’s hold it off for a little while! Isn’t that how we become? Usually, not until we are approaching the end of our life do our thoughts go back to: Can’t wait to get to heaven! It is that in-between time when we are at the greatest risk of heaven losing its wonder in our minds and hearts. If we’re honest, most of us would say that we are hoping for heaven, but not just yet. Why is that?
I’m going to Heaven, but it can wait; going to see Jesus, but He can wait; Heaven is wonderful, bright and fair, praise the Lord—but it can wait! In other words: I’m going to Heaven, but it can wait; going to see Jesus, but He can wait; Heaven is wonderful, bright and fair, praise the Lord—but it can wait! In other words: Heaven with Jesus sounds wonderful, but let’s hold it off for a little while!
Isn’t that how we become as we age? Usually, not until we are approaching the end of our life do our thoughts go back to: Can’t wait to get to heaven! It is that in-between time when we are at the greatest risk of heaven losing its wonder in our minds and hearts. If we’re honest, most of us would say that we are hoping for heaven, but not just yet. Why is that?
Dave Hunt comments, “For most Christians heaven is a place they desire to reach eventually, but not until they have lived out their full days on earth. Their hopes, ambitions, and interests, contrary to what Christ taught and the early Church lived, are really bound up in the life they aspire to live in this world. Heaven is a distant and unreal destination they reluctantly expect to reach at the end of life, but it is not desired before then. To be suddenly raptured to heaven would be, for most Christians, an unwelcome interruption of their earthy plans and ambitions.” Most of us have thus forgotten how to embrace the awe of being in our Father’s house!