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Finding Comfort in Painful Times
Five thousand years ago – before the pyramids were finished in Egypt, while ice covered most of northern Europe and glaciers towered over the Los Angeles basin, a man named Job lived in the ancient world of the Bible Lands.
Listen to these words, spoken to Job by one of his three prosecuting friends, perfectly captured and flawlessly recorded in this priceless treasury – God’s Word! Job 5.7 is the effort of the three false comforting friends of Job. They were trying to pin down the cause of Job’s painful condition. They attached an accusation of sin upon him. As they were doing this, they said something powerfully true.
Open with me to Job 5.7.
Pain is as much a part of life as breathing, eating, and sleeping.
We enter this world painfully crushed and twisted through the birth canal.
We depart this world painfully by age and decay, trudging through the valley of the shadow of death.
Most of us really don’t like physical or emotional pain. North Americans consume over thirty thousand tons of aspirin a year. North Americans, who only represent 5 percent of the world’s population, consume over 50% of all manufactured drugs, one-third of which work on the central nervous system. We are the most advanced society in the world in terms of suppressing pain. Yet the more we try to shut down pain, the more pain seems to surround our lives. What we really need is not less pain, but a better solution for dealing with it. So of all the lessons of the Word Filled Life – Living that life in Painful Times may be the most relevant of all!
God offers His Presence and Influence to surround every part of my life.