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1 Timothy 2:9-10
in like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel,
with propriety and moderation,
not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing,
but, which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works.

GOD’S DESIRE FOR WOMEN IS A GODLY ATTITUDE (I Timothy 2:9-10): Two attitudes ought to characterize your approach to worship: “modestly and discreetly” (v. 9). The Greek word translated “modestly” in verse 9 refers to modesty mixed with humility. At its core, it connotes a sense of shame—not shame in being a woman, but shame for in any way inciting lust or distracting others from the proper worship of God.

A godly woman will do all she can to avoid being a source of temptation. The word also has the connotation of rejecting anything dishonorable to God. Some would even suggest it means “grief over a sense of sin.” A godly woman hates sin so much that she will avoid anything that can produce sin in others. Consider the following dictionary definitions:

• YOUNG LADIES SHOULD SEE THEIR MOTHERS as “modest”: What is that? Moms, that means they see you as having a regard for decencies of behavior or dress; quiet and humble in appearance, style, etc.; not displaying one’s body; not boastful or vain; unassuming; virtuous; shy or reserved; chaste.

• YOUNG LADIES SHOULD SEE THEIR MOTHERS as “proper”: Moms that means they see you as having a specially adapted or suitable manner; appropriate; conforming to an accepted standard; correct; fitting; right; decent.

• YOUNG LADIES SHOULD SEE THEIR MOTHERS as “discreet”: Moms that means they see you as having a lack of ostentation or pretension; showing good judgment; prudent; cautious; careful about what one says or does.