A Theology Of True Worship

If the YouTube video above is not available, here are two other ways to view: CloudFront | SermonAudio TRU-08 120422AM Towering over all our daily lives and worship we offer as believers: is the Throne of our God the King. When we pray it’s to the Throne of our...

The One Seated On The Throne

If the YouTube video above is not available, here are two other ways to view: CloudFront | SermonAudio TRU-02 120219AM God wants us to orient every day of our lives to the truth that He is seated above each moment of our lives. Opening to Revelation 4 & 5 is much...

The Wrath Of God & The Depravity Of Humanity

If the YouTube video above is not available, here are two other ways to view: CloudFront | SermonAudio ROK-20 130728AM As we continue through Revelation, we have come to one of the key doctrines of the Bible, the Doctrine of the wrath of God. The wrath of God is part...