The Rapture (harpadzo)–do You Believe What Jesus Taught About The Beginning Of The End?

THE RAPTURE (HARPADZO) Short Clips CLW-24 111009AM THE RAPTURE (HARPADZO)–DO YOU BELIEVE WHAT JESUS TAUGHT ABOUT THE BEGINNING OF THE END? Jesus taught such a comforting, hope-filled message of His return to rescue His Church before the Tribulation, that His...

Introduction To I Thes.

ZNA-452 890108AM INTRODUCTION TO FIRST THESSALONIANS Welcome again to our study of the epistle of first Thessalonians. We noted as we began our study last Sunday evening 3 things: 1. FIRST, it is EARLY – probably the third of 27 NT books. After First James [45]...

The Church- A Shared Life

ZNA-448 890122AM “GRACE AND PEACE” I THESSALONIANS 1:1 It is amazing to watch the transfer of power of the greatest political force on earth this week. But 20 centuries ago an even greater power transformed lives. What a thrill to begin this morning...

Thanks To God

ZNA-447 890129AM THANKS TO GOD I THESSALONIANS 1:2-5 As we come to the middle of this first chapter in v.2-5 we find the theme of the present hope of salvation supported by this section “The Reception of the Gospel”. Their reception demonstrated that hope....

Waiting For The Son

ZNA-388 900114AM CHRIST’S COMING I Thessalonians 1 Join me in a place 1900 years ago – Thessalonica… Bustling Seaport City Crossroad of Commerce Astride Egnatian Way Key city of travel Modern and Cosmolitan Cicero called it “The Lap of Roman...

Sinning After We Fail

ZNA-380 900225AM Take God at His Word Exhortations for Blameless Living #3 I Thessalonians 2:13 As we look for Paul’s blueprint for Blameless Living, turn to Acts 17:1-9 to give us the introduction to this third of Paul’s powerful exhortations. Paul walks...

Blameless Living

ZNA-385 900204AM Exhortations for Blameless Living #2 Walk Worthy of God I Thessalonians 2:12 Turn to Heb. 11:2,4,5,39 A life that speaks. Alive or dead…How dowe live in a way each day that prepares us for the unexpected COMING [return] or CALLING [our death] of...

Taking God At His Word Pt 2

ZNA-378 900304AM COMMUNION TAKING GOD AT HIS WORD I Thessalonians 2:13 Paul wrote these dear new saints… they were to be commended… In fact, he “gives thanks” – EUXARISTED – 3 times for them. 1. FIRST – [1:2] He gives thanks...

Taking God At His Word

ZNA-377 900304PM TAKING GOD AT HIS WORD I Thessalonians 2:13 Part #3 Taking God at His Word is a challenge. • For ADONIRUM JUDSON it meant leaving his home, seeing no results for years, sweltering in prison… but then God moved. • For JIM ELLIOTT it meant leaving...